Organizational Development
Sustainable Orgs can help nonprofits with governance issues including board development and composition, committee structure, and other aspects of governance. Among the questions we can help you address, related to the composition of a board of directors: considering the skills and experience you may want represented on your board; how to make sure the board reflects the demographic composition of your service area; how to develop or recruit new board members; and policies that help you keep effective board members involved without burning them out while also being able to add people with new perspectives periodically. We can also support planning efforts for executive succession.
Since August 2020 Jeff Baloutine has served on a part-time basis as interim coordinator of the Houston Housing Collaborative, assisting in the process of hiring a new, full-time executive director, and serving as a bridge to continue making progress until the new ED joins. During this limited tenure, he is also helping the Collaborative develop a committee structure.